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Before you register and download any of the CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Logos please read and accept CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Logo Trademark Policy below: 1. The CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Logos (the "Logo") may only be used as a link to the CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc homepages (www.compexinc.com, www.TRUSTPRODUCE.com, www.wspackaging.com) and for no other purpose. It may not link to other pages on your Web site, or to a third party Web site. You may not give the Logo to anyone else. 2. You may not alter the Logo in any way. You must use only a CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc supplied or approved format, according to these guidelines, and the guidelines set forth in the CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Logo Usage Guidelines. 3. The Logo may not be a predominant feature on your Web site. This means (at minimum) that it must appear smaller than your company logo. 4. The Logo must appear by itself; it may not be combined with any other graphic or textual elements and may not be used as a design element of any other logo or trademark. 5. You may not use the Logo on any web site that is in violation of any applicable laws or governmental regulations. Your use of the Logo must be truthful and not misleading. You may not use the Logo to imply any relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship by, CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc that is not true. You may not use the Logo in connection with any disparaging statements about CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc or its products, or statements that otherwise reflect poorly on CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc. 6. Unless required to use a more specific legend by any license you may have from CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc, you agree to use the following legend on the page where the Logo appears or where there are other legal notices: "The CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Logos are a registered trademark of CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc in the U.S. and other countries." 7. CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc reserve the right to approve or disapprove the use of the Logo on your Web page (size, surrounding text, etc.) to ensure that it complies with these policies. 8. This Agreement applies only to Web pages, and not to other uses, such as documentation, product packaging, or other advertising or marketing materials. If you want CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc permission to use a CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc logo other than as permitted in this Agreement, contact your CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc Corporate Communications representative or trademarks@compexinc.com. 9. You acknowledge CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc rights in the Logo, and agree not to adopt, use, register, or attempt to register anywhere in the world any logo or trademark confusingly similar to the Logo. You will acquire no rights in the Logo through this use and shall take no action inconsistent with CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc interest in the Logo. If you do happen to obtain rights in the Logo, you will give those rights back to CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc if we ask for them. 10. CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES REGARDING ITS LOGOS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS AND ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE IMPLIED BY APPLICABLE LAW. RESONATE DOES NOT GRANT ANY INDEMNITY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OR OTHER CLAIMS ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF A CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc LOGO UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. YOU USE ANY SUCH LOGOS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc AGAINST ALL CLAIMS AND LIABILITY THAT MAY ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF ANY CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT USE CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc LOGO. 11. CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc reserve the right, at any time and without cause, to modify or suspend these policies and withdraw any permission granted under this Agreement to use any logo. CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc reserve the right to take action against any misuse or unfair, misleading, diluting, or infringing use of CompEx, Inc., TRUSTPRODUCE.com, & WS Packing Group, Inc trademarks or logos. LOGO USAGE GUIDELINES Full Color Logo - The TRUSTPRODUCE.com logo must always be printed in true color with the text in white. - If placed on a background other than black, contact www.info@compexinc.com an approved option. - In all cases, black is the preferred background color. - When sizing the TRUSTPRODUCE.com logo, text must remain proportionate at all times. - At no time can the TRUSTPRODUCE.com logo stand alone without the supporting text. They are one entity. - The ® must always appear with the logo. Black or White Logo - In all cases, black is the preferred background color. - When sizing the TRUSTPRODUCE.com logo, text must remain proportionate at all times. - At no time can the TRUSTPRODUCE.com logo stand alone without the supporting text. They are one entity. - The ® must always appear with the logo Usage - The clear white space around the logo should be 2X the height of the letter "T" in TRUSTPRODUCE.com. - The logo may not be modified in any way. (Skewed, tipped, rotated, etc.) Download Logos The downloadable logo package includes all the logos shown below in various formats. You may download PC (self-extracting.zip file), Macintosh (stuffit archive), or UNIX (.tar file) logo packages.
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CompEx, Inc.
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